Raffle Cub Flight Testing And Some Of The Dan’s Aircraft Crew

This week Dee and Ed are assigned the job of flight testing and systems checkout of the new ALASKA AIRMEN’S RAFFLE SUPER CUB. Rough Duty….We’ve flown about 5 hours and pretty well worked out all of the little bugs that new rebuilds seem to have. This airplane looks great and flies great. Later this week we will turn it over to the Airmen’s Association and new WIPLINE floats will be installed. On the first of May some lucky ticket holder will own it! If you don’t have a ticket you should get one soon.e.s.



KEVIN, Fabric & Paint Specialist, and LUKE, major airplane enthusiast

ED, A&P Mechanic and electrical/avionics guy

BRIAN, A&P Mechanic and welder/fabricator

DEE, Dan’s office manager, notorious cub pilot and guide

Dan's Aircraft Repair Inc.